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Diabetes Mellitus definition, Diabetes Mellitus types, Diabetes Mellitus type 1, Diabetes Mellitus type 2, symptoms, insulin resistance, diagnosis, treatment and complications.
Dr.Mohammed 10 June 2021
  Overview of Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus (D.M) refers to a group of diseases that affect how your body uses blood sugar.Glucose i...
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black fungus
A new disease that affects humans, especially Corona patients, has recently spread, which is black fungus, black mold or Mucormycotic , so w...
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الفطر الأسود
  انتشر حديثا مرض جديد يصيب الانسان خاصة مرضى كورونا الا وهو الفطر الاسود او العفن الأسود فما هو؟ وما أعراضه؟ ومن يصيب؟ وكيفية علاجه؟ وكيفية...
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Urinary incontinence definition, classification, risk factors, diagnosis , symptoms, treatment and managment
  Urinary incontinence definition The complaint of any involuntary leakage of urine and which is a social or hygienic problem. Urinary i...
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Ischemic stroke definition, icd10, risk factors, symptoms, ischemic vs hemorrhagic stroke, diagnosis, treatment and management, blood pressure goal, Reperfusion, Post stroke management
Ischemic stroke definition It occurs due to blockage of blood vessel which limits the blood supply to the brain. Ischemic stroke icd 10 ...
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